Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's another Sunday...

It's another Sunday morning, early here yet, this being my 3:30 A.M. 'let's make sure the bathroom's still here' time, and yes, it is - so now a cup of coffee, and see what's what in the world.... Yesterday, while surfing, I got onto a Catholic Forum website where they were debating the new Pope's words about divorcees and the sacraments, and some of the comments were quite interesting.

I was interested, because I'm a Catholic, and I've been divorced and remarried, and therefore unable to participate in the Church's official sacraments such as Confession, Communion, and etc. - and that bugs me!

'Why should it? You know the rules...' you say. Yes, I know what the Church says, and what the Pope says, and they say 'we can't forgive you while you remain in a state of sin, because we cannot approve of your wrong-doing.'

I think the real problem here is that the Church and our Pope have taken over God's task of making the rules, and not only that, but they haven't been getting the real message from God's words on the subject of Forgiveness.
Some of those words may be found in the book of St. Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 21 to and including 35. Without bending that too much, the message would seem to me to be saying 'unless you forgive one another for your sins, the Father in heaven will not forgive you for yours.'

It doesn't get into a lot of hair-splitting over the degree of sinning, nor the numbers of times the sinning has occurred. It simply says that unless you and I can forgive one another for our various sins, then the Father will not forgive us for our own sins, and we will then suffer the consequences rather than receiving a heavenly reward. And this was told to us by Jesus while he was explaining in a parable to Peter about forgiveness.

So those 'wannabe lawyers' in the back rooms of the Vatican ought to take another look at the Bible, the original 'rule book', and get over themselves.
The word of God ought to trump the mumblings of the Pope, I'd say... or let's put that another way: 'Who's running this show....God, or some mere mortal?'
And if God can forgive me, why can't my Church?

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