Monday, September 30, 2013

"The lights are on, but there's nobody home..."

Dear Uncle Sam:

...You cotton-pickin', chicken-pluckin', gun-totin', compromise-hatin', fossilized Old Fart - you're supposed to be a good example to the rest of us, NOT an embarrassment to our collective stupidity, so shame on you!!! Get on the goddamned ball or on the bus, because
time marches on, trampling everything under foot - especially including you. This is NOT a
good time for procrastination and fighting over whose ox gets gored, because that horn could end up in your own ass if you're still standing around when the bull gets to you.
And try to remember - the world is watching and some of us are wondering what the hell
you think you're doing.

Thought for the day:
Grandma's brain was dead, but her heart was still beating; it was the first time we ever had a Republican in the family...

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