Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bizarre behavior and mental illness...

Let's face it, Folks - nobody in their right mind walks into a building with three weapons like he had, and opens fire on unarmed civilians in a cafeteria just for the hell of it. So it's safe to conclude that he wasn't in his so-called 'right mind'.

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share a lot of the same symptoms - I once read that it's something like 24 out of 28 symptoms, for those keeping score - and both share a lot of the same genes, and it's those genes that are commonly shared which are at the root of the problems. Why? Because: the genes provide the 'master plan' for the behavior of our other systems, and if those genes are either damaged or perhaps missing entirely, then the behavior which depends upon them is not going to be within normally-expected parameters, and the controls provided by those genes will not be functioning as expected.

The good news is, a relatively simple blood test will reveal whether or not the
blood plasma electrolytes are within their normal range, and that in turn will indicate whether or not the central nervous system is performing normally or whether therapy is indicated.  Here's a little reading on it for you. And why am I making noises like some kind of expert? Because being bipolar has given me a very interesting life, and not all of it has been fun - so if I can help anyone else with this problem, I would like to try. There are answers, and there is control, but you have to want some, and as my favorite 'shrink' would say "Take your meds - conversation can't fix this problem!"  (No, but it can keep me amused while the meds are kicking in!) Bottom line: "There's a reason for everything if we know where to look for it." - Enjoy your day, Everyone. 

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