Thursday, September 26, 2013

The NRA and Hindsight being 20/20...

Whenever I see a picture of Wayne LaPierre with his mouth open like this, I get an almost overpowering urge to stuff an unwashed turnip in it to shut him up.

Instead of lobbying for the gun industry, this misguided old fart should use the influence of his considerable membership in a cause that actually might get those maniacs he talks about into some kind of humane and effective treatment. He could start by carefully reading this article from last December about the chaotic condition of the mental health care in Second Amendment Land, and then maybe getting off his pompous ass and doing something productive about fixing that problem, so there'd be a better chance of getting some results, rather than just grabbing face time in the media promoting yet more and better firearms. Sit down and shut up, Wayne! You're an insult to my stupidity.

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