Thursday, July 16, 2020

It's half past July, and we're still waiting for summer...

And I have a theory. Global Warming = People. The world's population has tripled in my 
lifetime, from 2.4 billions in 1932 to 7.8 billions this year. More than three times, actually. And we're not even counting those methane-producing cattle, sheep, horses, and all like that.  People cause pollution. Try to imagine, just as an example, how many cubic meters of pollution are belched out the back ends of aircraft engines on an average day. Or how many of that 7.8 billions go to the toilet every day. Or how many throw something away in places they shouldn't, just because there's nobody looking and they're too lazy to do it right, I'd bet we're all guilty, including those self-righteous profiteers who deny climate change. We know why they pretend there isn't any climate change. It's simple. Their pollution-causing enterprises would have to shut down, or spend fortunes to eliminate that pollution, so they simply pretend there's none, and go right on with business as usual. They'll even tell you, "After I die, I won't give a damn about the rest of you - why should I?" And the status quo is maintained, religiously. It's all about the money.

But Mother Nature dances to a different tune, and God's getting us for that, little by little, and day by day. And rewriting history won't save our asses. The human race, Homo Stupidicus, was a great theory that hasn't worked out worth a damn in actual practice. The earth is dying, and we're the cancer that's killing it. I firmly believe that. If you don't, then show me some proof that I'm wrong. I bet you can't. But go ahead - surprise me. Please...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (The author removed the comment because of a severe typo. So here we go again with a more correct version of my babbling in a bubble:)

    What a blessing it is that we don´t have to walk over this lovely planet wearing our clumsy space suits!

    (One of my little thoughtful sayings....)
