Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Yesterday at the Optometry Clinic...

This virus scare has certainly made us change the ways we do things. Before my appointed day, there came an email from the ladies there, with instructions.  Those basically said, "You can't come in without a mask, and you have to come alone, and be sure to bring your glasses... and we only admit one at a time, so try not to be late." Yes Ma'am... I understand. And when I got there, the usual work stations inside all were partitioned off by sheets of clear plastic that makes conversation less audible, but more germ-free.

I went because I wanted to find out if my recent minor stroke involving a partial blockage of the right carotid artery, thus affecting the right half of the brain, and its control of the left side of the body, might also explain recent deterioration of the vision in my left eye. After three different tests (a minor examination, an optical coherence tomography, and a visual field test) the short answer is: my left eye is just like it was on my last regular test a few months ago. There's evidence of a developing cataract in that left eye, but that hasn't changed since before the artery blockage. So I spent $155 to find out I was worrying for nothing, and it was worth every dollar of it. We looked at the inside of the left eye, and the macula looks just like it did in the previous images from months ago. So that too is unchanged.

My eye doctor says, "It usually takes a good six months to recover from what you had, and you're doing exceptionally well. Try not to worry." Yes, Ma'am, I wish I could...


  1. Getting old is not for sissies!

    Good to hear your’re keeping well so far. We enjoy your reports, as you might know: they replace the stupid morning news in the papers.

    I hope this comment will get through, blogging from the mobile PDA seem to be a bit tricky (some of my recent comments here didn’t make it to your blog....

  2. Dieser machte es gut. Ihre täglichen 'EVAs' mit den Hündchen führen Sie möglicherweise außerhalb der Reichweite Ihrer WIFI-Türme. Und ich wünschte, ich hätte all diese erhalten. Bitte versuchen Sie es weiter und genießen Sie Ihren Tag.

  3. What would we be without our EVAs. They mean the world to us (“us” being our pack, but probably also YOU, when you roam the park on your bike: that’s exactly what it is: your EVA!).

    Usually I take pictures during those EVAs, and I have quite a collection of photos in a digital folder for each year since 2012 when I started doing EVAs on a regular basis for that’s when I got the two Rascals Maxi&Fret.
