Saturday, July 18, 2020

Linux Mint's 'Terminal' in action...

If this were Mighty Microsoft, then this application would be called 'Powershell' or its older relative, 'Command Prompt'. But this is Linux, the wave of the future, and so here, we call it 'Terminal' so as not to confuse anyone with its competition. And this baby kicks ass faster than you could kiss a duck's ass without getting a mouthful of feathers! And that's QUICK.

I'm showing this because it has two very nice features not found in Microsoft's Win-10, and those are the commands for 'autoclean', which scans the whole system for junk, and then automatically removes it in the blink of an eye, and 'autoremove' which scans the system and removes leftovers from deleted packages of programs that have been made redundant by newer revisions. These are similar, but the first does the whole system's temporary and junk stuff, while the latter 'autoremove' only looks for leftover bits of items recently outdated and replaced by their newer versions, which often depend on different helper packages.

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