Friday, June 21, 2019

About my 'Bike Story' here below....

It probably goes without saying, especially to anyone here who enjoys watching the ships in our harbor, but this bike, and millions more, are of course 'Made In China'. And made very well, I must add.

So I fail to see any point in picking any trade battles with one of the biggest and oldest cultures on the planet. To me, that seems to be just idiotic. We are far stronger and better together than we can ever be separately.

Our long drawn-out pipeline fiasco here in Western Canada is also idiotic. China doesn't want our low-grade diluted bitumen. They aren't crazy or desperate! And yes, I know that their main and oldest oil field has, for years, been running dry. I also know that about a year or so ago, they made a nice deal with Vladamir Vladamirovich Putin, for a pipeline and oil supplies from Russia, which, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with it, has one of the world's greatest reserves of oil & gas. Russia already supplies most of Europe, and we should bear that in mind as well, when we think 'diplomatic foreign relations'. Again, we are better together than we are separately.

Our common enemies are climate change, not one another. Those who tell us that this is not true are the real problem here. And you know who they are. You do not need a lecture on that. Enjoy your first day of summer!

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