Wednesday, June 19, 2019

About Religion - Answering a friend on Facebook, and for You!

The Bible says that the Earth belongs to Satan, and the Heavens belong to God. It also says that unless we can become as little children, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

I take that last to mean that we need to be trusting, and naive and believe firmly in God and His, Her, or Its powers before we will be found acceptable for entry into that "Better Place".

As we all know, there are over 4,200-and-counting Religions now on Earth. And that's just absolutely beyond anyone's sensible sensibilities. We know that there's a LOT of hucksters and con-men and ruthless schemers involved in peddling religion. Yet we choose to stick our heads in the sand, so to speak, and continue patronizing these turkeys, while they skin us alive, sexually abuse our young, copulate among themselves in back rooms, and twist their stories around constantly, to keep us entertained and not noticing what they themselves are up to. - AND WHAT ARE THEY UP TO ????

They are up to living the good life to its fullest. They live, many of them, in virtual castles - millionaire-type mansions, with servants and all that, and rthey drive the best cars, obtained at a discount or for nothing by a 'blessing' or two, and some of the most successful among them have their own private jets to commute to the next 'gig' to raise another hefty sum from the faithful suckers in the seats, and they buy high-end expensive homes for their children, legitimate or otherwise, and they tell us that it's God's will that they enjoy their 'Ministry', and that they have 'earned' all this as servants of God. HAH !!

That's not what I read in anything pretending to be the "Word of God". Speaking of which........That "Word of God" has been washed, dried, fluffed up, re-interpreted, misinterpreted, plagiarized, bent out of shape, fictionalized, and paraphrased so many times over the past 5,500 years, it isn't within a light-year of being anywhere near anything any actual God ever said or thought or intended us to think or believe about either the Here And Now or the Hereafter.

God didn't 'write' anything. Not on tablets, or anywhere else, ever. All of that has been fictionalized by power-hungry men to make it easier for them to bamboozle their flocks of partying clansmen into sobering up for at least one day a week, and trying to become more mindful of the needs of others. Others like these devoutly 'spiritual' and very needy guides of our own potentially desirable 'spirituality', for which we should donate every loose dollar we can find, so that magnificent temples and later on churches might be built for their "humble and pious servants of God"....... Come On! Give Me A Break! Do I really appear to you to be THAT CLUELESS???

Yes! There IS a God! No! You won't find God in churches any more than you would find God anywhere else - including inside your very own mind if you can compose yourself quietly and peacefully enough to allow God's "still small voice" a place in there, among the static and the buzz and the worries of your everyday concerns. We need to turn those OFF for a few moments if we are going to hear any "still, small voice" that can very simply, and very easily, and very quickly show you something from within yourself which suddenly seems to be a very practical and very obvious solution to a problem that has been bothering you lately, and for which you couldn't find the right solution while distracted by all that other everyday stuff.

God isn't "someplace Heavenly" or only in a consecrated Altar within a fancy-decorated 'spiritual' building called a Church. God is wherever you need God to be. That's just one of God's qualities. God is everywhere we are, because we are everywhere we are - get the picture? A recognized 'wit' once said, "Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a Garage makes you a Car." Think about it.

Remember that Star Trek Voyager episode where Seven and Naomi are battling this gigantic open-mouthed Something which has all the rest of the crew tranquilized and inside their escape capsules because it has been mentally telepathing to the whole crew every wonderful desire they ever had, to lure the ship into its insides, to be devoured as food and fuel for itself - And this grubby old raggedy-assed Old Timer in his solitary and junky spacecraft comes along, and tells Seven "Do not believe what it is telling you! You are being deceived! It promises you all the wonders you ever wanted, to keep you coming, and then inside, you will be devoured for its lunch!" I think of that episode when I think of these televangelists and 'missionaries' and 'gold-miners' after my cash on a collection plate or inside a 'tithing box' in a place called a Church. and "You Are Being Deceived" runs through my head. - And THAT'S the "still, small voice" in action!
And that's God in action, if you allow it. Free choice. Use the head you were given, or lose it to someone else.

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