Thursday, June 20, 2019

War as a Video Game....( You chickenshit bastards! )

So....Same Old, Same Old. When a U.S. Administration finds itself
up to its ass in international alligators, and its popularity is down
the toilet, and its top-one-percent are crying for better dividends
or else, what do they do? Start another war, of course!

The U.S. says that drone shot down was in "international waters".
International waters is an ambiguous term in that region, because
there simply isn't that much 'water' compared to that much
'international', and the Americans are sitting in an air-conditioned
control room in the U.A.E., whereas the Persians are much closer
to the action, and have actual eyeballs on it. Go figure! Who would
I believe? The guys with the actual eyeballs on it. Wouldn't you?
So, here's some added reading for your listening & dancing pleasure -

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