Saturday, June 8, 2019

I see in The News......

I see in the news that our fearless leader, Justin Trudeau, wants to have a one-on-one with President Xi Jinping of China to talk about our problems. Isn't that a lot like a flea climbing up an elephant's hind leg with rape in mind?

When charming young Justin first got elected, he assured the unwashed masses that he was going to do government differently. No more of the absolute ruler tactics of old 'Crooked Mouth' Chretien, we were going to have 'transparent government'. Sure we are! And another pig flew by.

Justin's father, old 'Painful Pierre', would be very disappointed with junior, because the junior Trudeau seems, for all intents and purposes, to be all show and no go. And that 'transparent government'? Hah! We've got the same crooked dealings and under-the-table work-arounds, and corruption that we had under the previous administration, and possibly worse.

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