Monday, June 10, 2019

Brother and sister on matching Hoverboards!

It goes forward, backward, and spins.

The hubs have colored LEDs in them.

The girl isn't as confident as her brother.
Mom says "It plays music, too!"

Then, I met a little girl with this kite...

Why am I thinking 'the Dragon from Shrek' ?

The dragon in 'Shrek' was much better nourished...

But this flies better...

And we had the breeze for it, too.

These are what I missed by half an hour.

If everyone stood on the same side, would it tip over?

Trying for detail and failing miserably...

Paco in Germany asks: "What comes after the blooms on it?"
And Paco, the answer is, "There's supposed to be a nut for
each individual little bloom, but they don't all mature.......
Just like people!

Speaking of which, almost everybody was here yesterday.

I wanted to give this little girl a hug, because  her brother had been up on that rock beside her, and he had taken something from her, and then jumped down where we see him now, and she obviously isn't very happy, poor thing. But she will never remember this on her wedding day... we hope.

This is on my way back from the supermarket, after leaving the park. I had realized there wasn't much for supper, and went shopping. I've been meaning to have the camera along for some pictures along here, and last evening, it all came together for me, just like I wanted.

I love the way this climbing rose is climbing the guy-wire of this power pole. Hydro's safety people would feign concern, but it isn't any risk, and it looks absolutely lovely. I wish I had one of these around here.

I know nothing about this, but it looks beautiful.

That climber, in better perspective.

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