Sunday, June 23, 2019

Today's (declining) 'Top Ten' ....

When we're talking war or politics (same thing) everyone wants to get into the act, but if I'm trying to talk about Peace, or something of any real benefit to mankind, the ratings drop like a stone.
Thanks a hell of a lot, Kiddies!

Please let me repeat myself here, one more time!
Religious mythology of all types of any legitimate quality or reliable historical verification usually teaches us that the aim for our lives is to grow and develop into better and more compassionate and more loving individuals who do not go around killing each other for either fun or profit or vengeance or just because we can. And that's a very commendable theory. A very high-minded and God-like theory. A theory that hasn't ever been verifiable in actual practice.

The Human Race is a tantalizing theory that has totally failed!
Want proof? Look in the mirror!
Look Anywhere!
We're History.

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