Saturday, June 22, 2019

I Owe President Trump An Apology....

President of the United States,
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I owe you a public apology for questioning your decision-making abilities, and for doubting that you have any compassion for those beyond your own borders. I have based that on certain past remarks you have made about Canada and other nations.

Recent news of the progress of the incident in the Middle East between the Persian and American forces, and the downing of your drone over a disputed location there, and your personal response to it, has given me pause to reflect on the fact that I have been mistaken about you and your sensibilities towards the 'collateral damage' of responding with excessive force in such a delicate situation. Please forgive me for my misjudgment. I think you handled it with both discretion and compassion, and therefore I do owe you an apology, which I hope you will accept in the spirit with which it is offered.

As you may imagine, Sir, very few of us wish to become involved in another international conflict if at all avoidable. War is said to be 'profitable' but the collateral damages are most often egregious, and arouse emotions lasting long after a conflict has been resolved. Hopefully, Sir, in this 21st Century, we are above that type of brutish behavior.

Thank you for stopping that retaliatory response and saving all those lives.
And please forgive me for thinking you wouldn't.

Respectfully yours,

Ray Sutton.

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