Thursday, June 13, 2019

"Registry Bad" - Fixed !

Yesterday, during some of my computer 'tidying up', I noticed problems with the appropriate responses to certain actions/instructions/controls in programs. This led me to suspect something had got in here, past the security, and was messing around with the code.

So today, I ran one of my favorite clean-up programs from the web on here. It did its scan and informed me that "The Registry is bad, and needs to be cleaned up and replaced." So, being brave and stupid, I said, "Go for it!" and so it made a Restore Point first, and then fixed the problems, and everything came back on again as it normally does.

Now, when I'm looking at the gadget for the CPU usage, it is a relatively low-peaking graph, instead of being much more active before that repair. Whatever was wrong isn't wrong just now. And no single security program will cover all the bases, no matter what they promise you. I have at least two at all times. 

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