Saturday, November 15, 2014

A little "this and that"...

So.... it's half-past November. Another birthday has come and gone, and the Amaryllis my dear friends Jane and Andy sent is blooming beautifully...

When the weather's below freezing outside, it's nice having a tropical plant in the place, to remind us that somewhere, the world is warmer than here.

I'm still trying to get comfortable using Facebook. And I may never really get all that comfortable with it, because it works on a different system than I'm in the habit of dealing with on a blog, for example. I like this blogging format, because I can babble on as long as I like, without feeling that maybe I'm hogging the conversation. On here, the conversation is whatever I feel like conversing about, and it lasts until I've run out of something to say, or got bored, or nodded off over the keyboard, and fallen off my chair here. Don't laugh! It happens! I've still got a sore neck from the last time, about three weeks ago, when I nodded off and hit the floor before waking up. Usually, I wake up before landing, but that time, I didn't. So I can say "blogging is hazardous to your health!" and actually mean it - I'm living proof.

But I shouldn't be telling you this. If I can't stay awake while I'm doing all this, how can I possibly expect you to stay interested? And yet many of you do, which continues to please and surprise me. For example: recently, there are more of you in Russia reading this than there are in my own country. It must be something ethnic. Russia has ballet, and opera, and Lenin's tomb, while we have five million French Canadians constantly trying to convince us to give the country back to them and the Indians.

And they absolutely refuse to tell us what they plan to do with it, should that ever happen. And the Indians don't want the country back. They're making more money by renting it to us, and operating casinos and liquor stores, and high-priced fishing resorts in places we used to call the back woods, but which have now become "pristine unspoiled wilderness". So don't step on that discarded beer bottle. It's an archaeological artifact left by a previous ancient culture which didn't believe in recycling. 

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