Friday, November 21, 2014

One little mistake can take all day to fix!

It all started this morning, quite early, when I turned this on and decided to look in the Windows Store for more Apps. The Store App wouldn't open. I tried one of my favorite tricks, and that didn't work either. Now, I was determined to get the damned thing working, so I looked on the web for advice on how to get a quick download of a fresh version....

That advice began with "Open PC Settings..." and that's when I found it wouldn't open either. So the short-form cure was out of reach. Grab the DVD of the 9841 Build, and bite the bullet: Kiss my 9860 Build 'Good-bye' and wipe it all clean. Then spend the rest of the day restoring programs and icons, and all that. This above screenshot looks disgustingly peaceful and ordinary, doesn't it? Very much like it did yesterday, doesn't it? Except it's a whole new installation that kept me out of mischief all day. And this just goes to prove that I'm not yet as smart as I sometimes like to think. I am smart enough to admit it, though!And I have got it all back up and running, like it was before this began.

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