Monday, November 24, 2014

Today's 'News of the Weird'

Now we know why this guy's in a country called 'Turkey' - and he's not only some kind of a nut, he's a foot fetishist from the sounds of it. Saying that every woman in Turkey should have three children just proves that this dumb-ass hasn't seen the latest world population clock numbers...

...and he probably can't connect the dots between this and global warming. And it's like I've said before, Kiddies - religions have started more wars than the invention of gunpowder did, because any damned fool can start his own, whether he should or not. That's why there's over 4,200 flavors right now and counting....nobody really knows for sure. We haven't been able to list all those in the backwoods regions, nor in those bone-in-the-nose territories, where preserving your virginity means being the fastest runner in the village.

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