Sunday, November 30, 2014

A little more about Windows Technical Preview and whiners

But first, a comment on the weather...

The long range forecast for this region, the Pacific West Coast, is for warmer than usual this winter. So how are they doing with that so far? - Wrong!

The actual website is found here, but don't go there unless you are prepared to listen to several supposedly intelligent grown men crying in their beer over the fact that Windows Technical Preview isn't yet quite stable enough to be used by a Fortune 500 company in day-to-day operations. My reaction: "Bullshit!" It has it's problems, as is to be expected with a beta test version, but it isn't as bad as some would have you believe.

One of the tricks that worked for me was to make shortcuts to the folders for Windows Temp, User's Temp, and Prefetch, and dump out the contents of those to get them cleaned out for a fresh start. Prefetch, as we know, regenerates on reboots, and those two Temp folders collect all sorts of useless crap that isn't needed on a permanent basis. I also wanted to use DISM, but it reported that it couldn't find "Sources", so that didn't go too well. But this Windows Technical Preview is still up and running quite nicely in full-time daily use for its second week now, and I don't find it doing anything all that unusual.

As one of those commenters on that site above said, "We have to expect a few problems, and that's why we're here testing it- to find those, so just make out a Feedback report, and move on with your lives, guys." Good advice!

Here's my favorite comment from that experts' chatter on that website...


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